
Travel Tips: What to Consider

No matter where you’re planning on going, or who you’re planning on going with, it is far too easy to overlook one little item, and the next thing you know is you’ve left your passport on the kitchen table.
Okay, so maybe you’re not so bad as to forget your actual passport, but things like this happen surprisingly often – it’s not difficult to forget something, whether that’s your sun cream for your holiday in Dubai or your gloves when visiting the Christmas markets in Nuremberg.
Here is a small list – it’s by no means exhaustive – of useful travel tips, cherry picked from our collective years of travelling. Hopefully you’ll find it of some use!

Pack Your Bags
If you’re going long haul, we’d suggest you choose some form of hard-cased luggage – stories of baggage handlers slashing soft-shells looking for things to pocket are becoming increasingly common. Pack carefully.
For short haul flights (or if you’re travelling via light aircraft), you are normally stuck to a rather limited weight allowance, so take canvas bags or softer cases.
In some countries, it is legal for customs to break open a lock when searching cases. It’s best to try and use luggage with an integrated lock. Check the internet for further information on TSA-approved locks.

Get Vaccinated
Depending on where you’re headed, you may have to get some injections or tablets. Yellow fever, malaria, dengue fever – whatever the disease, you’ll want to be protected. Approach your GP as soon as you know you’re travelling; some medications can take up to a few weeks to get up to speed, so you need to get it sorted as soon as you can.

A great resource is the Fit for Travel website, operated by the NHS – it lets you search by country, and will tell you which vaccinations are recommended, as well as whether malaria is prevalent.
It’s very important to know all about the diseases of your destination, so get your prescriptions ASAP.
Are You a Blogger?
If you’re planning on writing up your travels, but you don’t need to publish it on the go, just leave your laptop at home. It’s a target for thieves, and the potential for it to get damaged is high.
Instead, take a notebook and a few pens – much simpler, and your notes will allow you time to expand and embellish when you get home. To make the most of your travel stories, look online for tips on travel and PR.

Sort Your Money
Check the exchange rate before you go, and convert your cash in advance – it tends to be cheaper this way. There are plenty of useful exchange rate calculators out there, so don’t be afraid to do your research!
It  tends to be a safe bet when it comes to swapping your cash, and the Post Office is always reliable. If you’re taking a lot of money, it might be best to take some traveller’s cheques, as these are a lot safer.

Bon voyage!

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  1. Great tips sis! I do follow what you've written here having traveled here and there, long and short hauls too. My family and I always use TSA locks whether we're traveling to the US or other parts of the globe.

    Currency is also a great factor that we consider before we travel. We try to go to places where our currency is stronger so we get to enjoy more shopping on the side. :)

    Ria C

  2. Great tips Mhie thanks for sharing, yes I do believe traveling with fun is not necessary to be luxurious. Sometimes its more enjoyable when you know what your budget it. And also when i travel as much as possible I avoid bringing gadgets. Vacation to me is to be close to nature and not having things that will remind me of work.. he he

  3. Travelers should really prepare before going on a trip. This helps them avoid the inconveniences brought about by lack of planning. Great tips!

  4. I love the idea of TSA locks, I will definitely give your tips a consideration for our upcoming trip this summer.

  5. Great tips, thanks for sharing. Sometimes traveling ain't fun when you're with kids and some untoward stuff happen along the way... but for adults I find it exciting, it'll test your individuality up to where you're good at...

  6. Very helpful tips specially Tip #2

  7. awesome tips coming from an expert traveler! I couldn't add more to it! thanks and looking forward to going on another virtual journey with you! :)

  8. I don't know if we have a vaccine for dengue fever but if there is already, I would be jumpinf for joy! my nephew just died due to dengue in just a matter of 4 days and it scares me for my family there. Id take note about the blogger tip :) what I do is just I take picture of anything that might be a good topic to right about. Great tips here :)

  9. i heard few cases where travelers contracted illnesses while they're on vacation.indeed, it is helpful to know the place target for travel for diseases in the area. and, yes, stash some otc medicine in your luggage.

  10. these are great tips specially coming from you, travelers are really need to be prepare before, on and after their journey! may i add travel insurance, too.

  11. Coming from a frequent traveler like you Mhie, this post is indeed very helpful. Thanks for sharing.
