Starting your Own Little League

One of the most popular sports across the US is baseball. Everyone loves watching their team step up and beat the competition, and if you’re in any doubt as to whether this is true, just check out your kid’s school. Little League is a rite of passage for most children and if you’ve got your own kids, you may be tempted to get started with your own Little League team.
Starting a youth baseball team with a PayPal working capital loan is a great way to get kids out into the sunshine to play sports, meet other parents and help children to build healthy, competitive relationships with each other. The kids who are interested in playing baseball on a team are usually excited about increasing their skills in various areas but are also thinking ahead of what they could put onto their college resume one day. Sports are a great way to hand kids self-esteem, a competitive spirit and it gives you a chance to run a mini-business. You could get your team kids fundraising for away games and contests and you get a chance to be involved in a sport that you love.
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It’s not a light thing to consider, starting a baseball team. You’ll be managing rosters and players while also managing parent egos on the field. You need to contact the right associations in your area to register your team and each baseball association usually has annual fees that team coaches have to pay to keep their teams legally registered. You won’t be doing it all by yourself, either. You need to ask others to help you to coach, and each coach should be background checked and cleared to work with children. It doesn’t matter whether this is full time or not, you need to ensure the safety of the children while you provide them with something fun to do after school and on weekends.
Before you get started, you and your coaches should attend a few youth baseball games. This will give you a good idea of which age group you’d like to recruit and the level of competition out there that you will have to contend with. There’s no use in recruiting kids who won’t be able to manage, and you need to discuss with your coaches a roster of training that the kids you bring onto the team can manage. Then, you need to hold tryouts. Advertising should be done in local schools in your district, community centres and even your neighbourhood. Don’t just advertise for players, either – advertise for parent helpers who can come and assist during game times and training sessions. Find a baseball field that you can block out time during the week on and set your sessions.

Once you’ve done all that, you can work on the team name and colours and think of a message that you want your team to spread. You’re a community, and this means working together to have fun and be responsible. Batter up – it’s your turn to shine!

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