Learning an Instruments

When my daughter starts to learn playing an instrument, I am a happy mom when she's showing an effort an interest to learn. At the very young age she's learning how to learn music by ear which amazes me.  I was busy browsing for  a summer  music camp and I found this website that caught my attention zildjian percussion. I just wish my daughter is ready for another instruments. Learning...
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A Quick Stop at Waffle House

When we went home up North,my family had a quick stop at Waffle House for breakfast.Hubby is so simple, he only likes over easy eggs,toast bread and a bacon. As I like more fancy breakfast if I am at home,on vacation. Little Travelentz is in seventh heaven with a waffle and I ordered for her. One...
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Happy New Year! 2 Days had been past on 2015 and I don't have time to write about my travel goal, .I just arrived from  holidays where I spent at in-laws place. This year would be a big difference compare last year. Hubby and I already talked about not going outside the country because of...
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Weekend in Richmond: Get Your Ghost On

It's probably not surprising that a city as immersed in history as Richmond would have a reputation for ghosts and paranormal activity. Going back to its role in the nation's founding through its pivotal importance in the Civil War, Richmond has more than enough cemeteries, monuments, and historical...
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