Spring in Tennessee

Spring in Tennesse usually comes early but this year it arrived a little bit late than expected. The weather is not that great but still Thankful for everyday life's blessings. I'm done with the Spring photo shot for my little ones so I am thankful for that while I am writing this we have a severe...
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Our Day in Bowers School Farm

Bowers School Farm is ope  on the public for that day  so after running our errands mother-in-law and I with little Travelentz went to the Spring Open Barn  and Egg   Hunt for a day. The event was free but there are some fee on some activities like pony rides,bottle feed the goat...
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Golden Pheasant

This year would be more interesting as we bought an annual membership in the Nashville Zoo. Little Travelentz loves animals and she's been bugging us to go in the zoo when we stayed at home. Well, we could not blame her,the weather starting to warm-up and we gotta go where ever our feet brings us....
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Traveling Abroad

The first time I traveled abroad was Thailand and I was single. I still have the best memoirs as I lived and work at the same time- my first travel  taste in abroad;scary and full of excitement at the same time. Well, it's my first adventure world, I don't know what to expect at all. Today,I am married and  has one child,traveling abroad is included in our itinerary to travel,perhaps...
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Tulip Festivals,Cheekwood Botanical Garden

It was a first weekend of April,the sky is blue and the sun came out with no winds and the good news we don't need to wear a winter coat at all. If you go to Cheekwood Botanical Garden,Tennessee you will see all the different types of Tulips and all of it are pretty amazing.This is my first time to...
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Not sure where to go in Italy?

Italy is one of the most popular holiday destinations in Europe. This beautiful country has so many regions to explore, and in each you will find delicious food and wine, wonderful beaches, warm summer weather, historic buildings, exquisite art and a unique culture. However, many people have difficulty...
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