
Five Tips for Traveling on a Budget

So Many Places, So Little Time
A recent poll conducted in major cities of the United States found that almost 50% of working adults were planning to take at least one trip over the upcoming holiday vacation. Even with the uncertain economy, travel is still of value to many. Deciding how and where to travel can be a challenge. With so many places to see in the world, it can be very difficult to pick and choose which places you would like to visit. Do you focus on the United States first, visiting each National Park or should you focus on visiting each state instead? Or you may decide that you would prefer to start your travels in Europe, Asia or even Russia. No matter how you decide to spend your travel time, good planning and keeping costs in mind can help you better afford to travel more often. Here are 5 tips for budget travel that may help you find ways to visit all of those locations you have been dreaming of. 

1.  Be Flexible
Travel planning is important, however great travel prices often occur at varied times during the year. Because the travel industry is an industry driven by supply and demand, prices are likely to fall when not enough people are traveling. If your plans are flexible, you may be able to watch prices on airfare, hotels, even ships and travel last minute to take advantage of great prices.
2.  Look for Unique Ways to Travel
If travel is your goal, be willing to work for your goal. There are many work opportunities that may give you the opportunity to travel as you work. From becoming part of the staff on a large cruise ship to volunteering with a service organization overseas, there are many ways to see the world while working. Some even do local fundraising to help cover travel and hotel expenses while planning to do short term service in a third world country.
3. Befriend a Good Travel Agent
While some people think that the internet has taken travel agents out of business, others realize that a good agent is worth their weight in gold. Travel agents are very connected with every part of travel. By having an agent on your side, you have a pair of eyes looking for travel information that applies to you specifically. From low airfare flights to deals on rental cars, travel agents see it all. If you have a specific travel destination in mind on a frugal budget, ask a travel agent to keep an eye out and alert you to deals in and around that location.
4.  Know When Travel Tends to be Less Expensive
Travel is cyclical. For instance, in the cruise industry, the beginning of a new year is often referred to as "wave season". This is the time of the year when the most (crest of the wave) people call to book a cruise. During this time, prices are high because demand is high as well. Conversely the fall months slow down due to the prevalence of hurricanes along the coastal states. Because less people are calling and the cruise ships have many spaces to sell, prices tend to fall and be a great bargain.
5.  Travel Light
Those who love to travel do not often pack the kitchen sink. Instead they learn how to visit differing locations and only take the bare minimum. By packing light, you can save time and money. Instead of paying the airline an extra $25-$30 for your large suitcase, you can pack an overhead bag instead which saves you time in the end, as you do not have to wait for your luggage at the end of the flight.
With flexibility and creativity, it is possible to see the world on a budget. It may mean asking for advice from a travel agent, or perhaps working your way around the globe. For those who love to travel and see new locations, being able to travel on a budget is a must!
Sources: http://www.frommers.com/articles/7191.html               


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