
Born to be wild: best destinations for wildlife spotting

For most of us, the main reason that we go on holiday is to get away from it all, relax and unwind. And what could be more calming or better for your inner peace than a bit of wildlife watching?

Being out in the country air and spending a few hours among the local flora and fauna could do us all the world of good. So if you’re looking to combine a bit of wildlife spotting with a relaxing getaway, here are the top destinations to head for.


With mile upon mile of stunning countryside and more islands and highlands than you could shake a stick at, Scotland has got to be one of the world’s best destinations when it comes to natural attractions.

Seals, badgers, pine martens, deer and dolphins can all be spotted in and around the Scottish countryside, with other rarer animals like the red squirrel, the Scottish wildcat and the killer whale nearby as well.
It’s easy to combine a trip to rural Scotland with a stay in the vibrant cities of Glasgow and Edinburgh, and if you’re looking for short breaks Superbreak have some great offers to suit all budgets.

Menorca and the Balearics

Is a stopping off point between Europe and Africa, the Balearic islands, and Menorca in particular, have become a haven for migrating birds and so offer some fantastic opportunities for a bit of ornithology.
Egyptian vultures, red kites and blue rock thrushes are just some of the many species you can spot. And, best of all, once you’re done bird watching you can relax on one of the island’s beautiful beaches or wander around one of its many historic sites.

The Channel Islands
Lying 14 miles off the coast of Normandy but steeped in years of British and Commonwealth history, the Channel Islands are a unique destination that should be on everyone’s ‘must see’ list.

Dolphins, seals and basking sharks have all been spotted in the waters off the coast of Jersey and puffins, oystercatchers, gulls and a host of other birds are also in abundance, making a short break on Jersey a wildlife lover’s paradise.

It’s hard to beat Scotland, the Balearics and the Channel Islands when it comes to wildlife and variety, so if you’ve been inspired, grab your binoculars and take a walk on the wild side.

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  1. would totally love to visit this place and another one Ireland! this countries seems to be really good and different amongst others

  2. If money is not an issue, I'd travel the world and include these great places in my places to visit before I die.

  3. Because I've been attracting positive vibes that one of these I can come to Scotland, I have a booklet with all the things I have to do whenever I had the chance.. this place is so lovely.

  4. I'd love to sea that Channel Islands, must be thrilling to see it.

  5. I would love to go to Scotland! It's one of my dream destinations :)

  6. Very interesting to experience that i bet.

  7. I love the Channel Islands too, sea creature makes me happy watching them. No wonder why i love going to aquariums :)

  8. Sad to say, I have not been to a zoo or any wildlife sanctuary all my life. I mean, I could always visit one. I guess, I am not just an animal person. I want to try it one day though.

  9. Wildlife is one of the many wonderful creations of God. Given the chance, I'd love to go all over the world especially the European countries and marvel at these beautiful species. That would certainly be a dream come true for me.

  10. i thought at first, the Channel Islands here in CA, which also is very rich in ocean wildlife, I did not know that there is Channel Islands in Scotland too. I am not sure when I would get a chance to visit that place, haaaay, too many places to see, too little time, and money :)

  11. Never know this fact that Scotland is a perfect place for Nature lovers with various flora and fauna abound in the area.

  12. By looking at the pictures itself it is already a great adventure. Eye adventure :-) Wishing to visit something like this place later. Or even just a bit similar to this arena.

  13. wow, thanks for sharing these beautiful destination...must be awesome to see it in real! :)

  14. Such nice destinations if only I have plenty of money to spend :-) Visit to Menorca and the Balearics and the Channel Islands would be a great adventure especially for the kids as they love seeing birds and sea creatures.

  15. My husband promised me a holiday in Scotland next year. I can't wait to see that lovely place.

  16. You had the best destinations to visit! Hope I can visit them too.

  17. The destinations mentioned above are new to me but they sure are amazing to visit!
