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How to Pack for Your Kids' Vacation

Taking kids on vacation is both wonderful and exhausting. While it's great to have an excuse to finally hit up some whimsical kid-centered destinations, getting ready for your excursions is downright daunting. With proper planning and some smart tips, rest assured that it is possible to tackle that suitcase with confidence.
Consider Your Agenda

Image via Flickr by sunshinecity

Make a list of your activities for each day of the vacation. Use this as a guide to choosing the most appropriate clothing for each day. If you're spending the day in the car, comfy loose-fitting clothing is usually best. Consider whether you'll need a nice change of clothes for a dinner out, or special clothing for a holiday celebration. Always pack plenty of spares, especially if you have young children who get messy. If you'll have access to a washer and dryer at your destination, you can probably get by with less.
Plan to Mix and Match
Image via Flickr by crimfants
While it's fun to plan cute outfits for each day of the trip, this leaves you with a mismatched mess when something gets ruined. Plan outfits that will mix and match easily so it's never difficult to swap out soiled garments. Taking all white socks makes them easier to match, but skip over whites for other items because this color shows stains.
Pack Toiletries for Both Hygiene and Safety:

Image via Flickr by javajoba
It's impossible to predict everything your child might get into, but you can cover the basics. Sunscreen, aloe, bandages, antiseptic, and bug spray will keep you ready in most situations. Toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, and shampoo take care of the basics for bathing. Include assorted medications such as pain relievers, cold medication, allergy medications, and anything else your child uses on a regular or semi-regular basis. These essentials are notoriously overpriced in hotels and touristy gift shops, so try to cover your bases as you pack.
Include Appropriate Entertainment:

Image via Flickr by shorts and longs
If you have a long way to travel, your kids are naturally going to get bored. It's good to keep some special books, coloring books, and music for the car or airplane as a treat. You might need a few books for bedtime reading or toys to entertain small children in the stroller at a museum as well. Avoid over-packing when it comes to entertainment, though. Don't take anything you would be heartbroken to accidentally leave behind, and don't offer so many distractions that your kids forget to enjoy the destination when they're there.
Keep Essentials Accessible:

Image via Flickr by bargainbri
Keep at least one bag on hand with essential items like diapers, a change of clothing, travel documents, snacks, and first aid supplies. If you're packing a car, keep the things you'll need first on top. If you think your old vehicle can't possibly make the trip, maybe it's time to upgrade to a better car from Williamson Buick GMC. Your vacation is a great opportunity to break it in thoroughly.

Planning ahead with your packing will keep you covered in almost every contingency. While your kids are sure to give you some unexpected surprises, with the right supplies you'll always be ready to field them.


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1 comment:

  1. I am too envious naman. It is a great pleasure for the parents and students too experience a summer vacation with a fully-loaded
