The Importance of Outdoor Gear and Clothing
The Importance of Outdoor Gear and Clothing:
Quality products is essential of choosing your outdoor gear that you believe in.In general people are looking for more fashionable outdoor clothing and at the same time the quality of products.
Outdoor Gear and clothing are the essential things we consider to buy if we were go outdoor activities like walking, ski,hiking,hunting and sailing.You have to choose the proper clothing that well-fit and suit your taste that will support for outdoor activities of your choice.One of the outdoor website I am talking is the Marine Outdoor clothing that has a great selection from men,women.
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My hat is Gill Women's Stripey Knit Beanie. |
Golf holidays
Nowadays, golf holidays are one of the popular categories of travel packages.The best in this holidays are all in one-meaning you have everything in one place from golf course, the resorts and picturesque scene.
Booking Golf Holidays:
In booking your golf holidays abroad you have to consider the travel agency who specialized golfing holiday abroad who can gives you a good offer from hotels to golf courses and one of the website I visited .
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hobby+ resorts + scenic view = family fun |
Golf Clubs:
When traveling abroad it is important to ask question about your golf clubs with your travel agents and booked at the same time, why? most airlines charge to transport them. My husband told me when he's in Golf Holidays abroad with his Uncle they don't bring their golf clubs instead they leave at home and preferred to rent.
Check Policy:
In booking your golf holidays you need to check cancellation policy from hotel, airfare and golf tee-times.It is important you know all of these cancellation policy that will affect your financial aspects.
McCreary's Irish Pub & Eatery in Franklin,Tn
We had dinner at McCreary's Irish Pub & Eatery in downtown Franklin,Tn last week. The place is small and you could hear the loud chit-chat. Good thing we we're early for dinner so we got a table and the place get busier on dinner time.
McCreary's offers a full menu of Irish and American so we had an order of:
Dublin Pot Pie: Homemade creamy mixture of shredded chicken breast, peas, carrots, potatoes and corn, with a flaky crust. Served with a small house salad and our homemade Irish Soda Bread.
House Salad with bleu cheese dressings: Spring Mix topped with tomato wedges, carrots, cucumbers, and red onions.
Fish and Chips: served with Irish Chips and tartar sauce:
McCreary's Irish Pub & Eatery located at 414 Main St Franklin, Tn.
McCreary's offers a full menu of Irish and American so we had an order of:
Dublin Pot Pie: Homemade creamy mixture of shredded chicken breast, peas, carrots, potatoes and corn, with a flaky crust. Served with a small house salad and our homemade Irish Soda Bread.
House Salad with bleu cheese dressings: Spring Mix topped with tomato wedges, carrots, cucumbers, and red onions.
Fish and Chips: served with Irish Chips and tartar sauce:
Family Vacations in Canada
Family Vacations in Canada has so many things to see and do from zoo's,mountains, aquariums,falls and more.Canada is a country you might consider for family vacations and keep in mind the things you want to do and the weather.
One of the most popular City,I've been visited is in Toronto,Canada during our Family Vacations you can find for more about Canada and visited my friends then. If you want to see the whole city then you have to take a trip to the top of CN Tower.
Niagara Falls was one the reason why we decided to go in Canada. The falls is magnificent and the boat ride of maid of the mist is phenomenal.
Calgary is a city in Canada that you might consider on your family vacations. I have a friends there and invited us to visit her place and she told me that we can go in Rocky Mountains.
Getting around with Family in Canada:
Getting around with family in Canada is relatively public transportation. You have a choice to rent a car, train, and ferry.It all depends what do you want to do in Canada.
a. Tipping in Canada-from 15-20% of your total purchase before tax.It is much the same in the US, as always they says, gratuities at your discretion.
b. Travel documents you'll need-always check the documents you'll need to bring like the passport and visa requirements.If you are not sure check the Immigration Canada for more details.
c. Canadian dollar-currency of Canada.
d.French and English- mother tongue in Canada.
Where to exchange foreign currency?
Where to exchange foreign currency? is the first question I asked if we're traveling abroad. Foreign currency is important when we travel abroad whether it is for leisure or business. My husband travels a lot in his job and it is important he has some foreign money in his hand like getting a taxi.
There are so much ways to exchange foreign currency. The best thing you have to do is to research what is your preference, but us who wants easy ways, and we have an idea how much we needed.
Mostly airport has exchange foreign currency and for me is only good for a small amount that you needed for a day.
I'm not really a bank person because of all the paper works you need to fill-up and mostly banks closed early and they have fees.
Foreign Currency businesses:
This is popular in Asia and convenient.When I went there you could see a lot of foreign currency businesses like in hotel, mall and some in the big city. You have to check the exchange rate in the market to get a good deal, pretty much they are closed to the exchange rate of the day.
I remembered, I went in Asia, my husband find out the currency rate.It is important you have an idea how much the value of your money and you can budget all your expenses.
Travel Tips and ideas:
Traveler Checks:
We use one time the Traveler checks which is safe and good but has poor exchange rate and we don't like it.
Hidden Cost:
Credit cards is good and safe when traveling abroad but remember most credit cards has foreign transaction fees between 2- 3% the amount of each you purchase and this will add up easily. If you traveled frequently it is is good to apply the credit cards that has no foreign transaction fees.
Like us, we have a credit cards that has no foreign exchange fees which is pretty good and we usually use it in large purchases.
Cash or online foreign currency provider:
Cash is king or an online foreign currency provider. This is the best way to budget your money without breaking the bank and you can track all your expenses easily.
Photo of the Day:Northern Treeshrew
Photo of the Day:Northern Treeshrew
Northern treeshrew is a species of treeshrew found in Southeast Asia, though they look like squirrels.
Cruise Vacation
Cruise vacation is one of the best vacation in terms of travel. The beauty of cruise vacation is that you could visit and have an idea of the countries in a short period of time and you can decide to go back to spend it longer or just a day is enough on that place.
Cruise Kings is one of the online booking that offer a World Cruises and some special deals as well as luxury cruises.If you have some questions you could call them and they are there to help you to make your cruise vacation more enjoyable and memorable for your whole family or during your honeymoon vacation.
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some foods on our cruise |
I like most on Cruise vacation is all inclusive from food to entertainment. In terms of food you have your own choices whether to upgrade meaning you will pay an extra bucks or you just choose any quality restaurants that you already paid for. Entertainment is free and designed for all ages. Other than that, cruise vacation offer a 5-star service.Can't wait to go back for another cruise vacation.
Glimpse of Kentucky Caverns
Glimpse of Kentucky Caverns; Kentucky Caverns formerly known as Mammoth Onyx Cave.The story of each caverns is mostly discovered by kids who are curious about what happening in there surroundings.
Every caverns is unique although most formation are made of stalagmite and stalactite.The Kentucky caverns is a small caverns but has a good story itself.
Every caverns is unique although most formation are made of stalagmite and stalactite.The Kentucky caverns is a small caverns but has a good story itself.
You can't bring stroller inside the caverns as you see in my photos.As you know the Kentucky caverns is an active cave-meaning that the rainwater drips through the ground and this continually create new formations.
The tour ended almost 45 minutes-the tour guide would tell you the history of the caverns and tour guide would turn off the light inside so you have an idea how dark inside the caverns if there is no light.
Inside the caverns is 60 degrees all-year round.One thing,I like in caverns is the different formations and colours of stalagmites and stalactites.
Frugal Tip: If you are an active duty of military with id you'll receive free admission and 10% off family discount
Photo of the Day:Ghost Cake
Photo of the Day:Ghost Cake
Yesterday, we celebrated Daddy's birthday and I invited my friends to came over on our house last Saturday for a small celebration to gave thanks for another life of my hubby's life. I made the cake as my birthday presents for Daddy.The icing is made of Swiss meringue buttercream and the ghost is molded with white and black chocolate. Well, check my post as I reveal why am so busy and what level I am at cake decorating course.Although, the ghost is not perfectly molded but I am happy with the result since my friends told me, my cake and icing is yummy.
Liebster Blog
Would you believed I've been tagged the Liebster blog by Balut, well, what would I say, hehhehe, as you know Liebster is:
"Liebster is a German word that means “dearest” or “favorite”. Other meaning may include sweetest, kindest, nicest, beloved, lovely, kinda, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome."
This kind of award is another way to know each other, so lets enjoy it and sorry if I will tag you ;).
The Questions of Balut:
I will understand if you can’t make a blog entry for this but it would be nice ” if you will answer these questions through the comment form below.
11 Questions:
1.Why do you blog?
2. What do you love most about blogging ?
3.What is your dream vacation?
4. What makes you happy?
5. How do you spend your free time aside blogging?
6.What is your most memorable blog post. Please include a link.
7.What difficult decision had you done in your life that was worth it?
8. What is your favourite song?
9. What is your favourite food?
10. What positive contribution your blog can share to the blogosphere?
11.Where do you see yourself five years from now?
Have fun guys.
"Liebster is a German word that means “dearest” or “favorite”. Other meaning may include sweetest, kindest, nicest, beloved, lovely, kinda, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome."
This kind of award is another way to know each other, so lets enjoy it and sorry if I will tag you ;).
The Questions of Balut:
- Why do you blog? This is my only outlet to make me busy aside taking care of my family and I enjoy it.
- What is your most memorable blog post. Please include a link. When I spent Christmas and New Year in the Philippines with my family.
- What blog site is your most favorite ? I like travel blog and Photography, The Joysimplelife
- Who is your favorite blogger ? JoysNotepad-she inspires me.
- Which blog design you like most ? Wordpress and Blogger.
- Blogger or Wordpress? Both
- Are you happy with your blog right now? Yes,I don't trust my memory so I need to write all our family adventure.
- On a scale of 1 to 10 being 10 as the highest, how will you rate your own blog? Well,my blog is like my baby.
- What positive contribution your blog can share to the blogosphere? Go out in your comfort zone and see God's creation and you truly understand and appreciate simple things in life.
- What unique feature your blog has versus other blogs? nothing especial, since it is focus on my family lifestyle ( Travel and Photography).
- What can you say about my blog? Your blog is interesting since it captures many interest.
- Each person must list 11 things about themselves.
- Answer the 11 questions that the tagger has set for you PLUS you must create 11 questions of your own for the 11 people you will nominate with this award.
- Choose up to 11 bloggers linking them to your post.
- Go to their page and inform them of the nomination
I will understand if you can’t make a blog entry for this but it would be nice ” if you will answer these questions through the comment form below.
11 Questions:
1.Why do you blog?
2. What do you love most about blogging ?
3.What is your dream vacation?
4. What makes you happy?
5. How do you spend your free time aside blogging?
6.What is your most memorable blog post. Please include a link.
7.What difficult decision had you done in your life that was worth it?
8. What is your favourite song?
9. What is your favourite food?
10. What positive contribution your blog can share to the blogosphere?
11.Where do you see yourself five years from now?
Have fun guys.
Latino Family Festival at Nashville Zoo
The Nashville Zoo hosted the "Latino Family Festival" last month. After church we went at Nashville Zoo,although the event is free with zoo admission.
What is Latino Family Festival?
The Latino Family Festival will feature cultural dance, special activities for kids,authentic cuisine and docent interpretative site.The Festival attracts hundred of people every year. So,check it out in your area if you have this festival.
Going to cultural festival is a great opportunity to append and enjoy the culture in fun ways, while preserving the true meaning of the festival.
Photo of the Day:Simple things in Life
“The most fortunate are those who have a wonderful capacity to appreciate again and again, freshly and naively, the basic goods of life, with awe, pleasure, wonder, and even ecstasy.”
~Abraham Maslow~
Abuelo's Mexican Food Embassy in Michigan
Abuelo's Mexican Food Embassy in Michigan; is one of Parents-in-law favourite restaurants.Last week, we celebrated my mother-in-law's birthday at Abuelo's Mexican Food Embassy in Michigan. Actually,this is not our first dine-in in the restaurants,we like the ambiance of this restaurants, the food was great and the server are friendly.
The reason why we want to come back on Abuelo's Mexican Food Embassy in Michigan because of the food, the chips and salsa is so yummy and they served plenty of food that I could not finished and brought home for another meal.
Happy hour is another reason to order their drinks. I do love their mojito and margarita,can't wait to go back again.
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Chicken Quesadilla-with sour cream and guacamole. |
The reason why we want to come back on Abuelo's Mexican Food Embassy in Michigan because of the food, the chips and salsa is so yummy and they served plenty of food that I could not finished and brought home for another meal.
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Alambre De Camaron-Wood-grilled, bacon-wrapped fresh shrimp stuffed with jalapeño and blended cheeses.
Happy Hour:
How to get cheap holidays?
How get cheap holidays?
Expect the unexpected:
Expect the unexpected, when you book a holiday, remember the last minute deal is either you're lucky or unlucky-what I mean you got a good deal or no deal and most of it are fully booked depend how busy it is. Last minute deal is good if you have another option,but if you set your vacation sometime turns out the worst vacation or headache. I, remember our last vacation turns out a nightmare since all of the resorts are fully booked and we had to drove an hour away from the ocean just to get a good accommodation.Playing by air is not a good idea if you have a baby.After, our experienced, we have been trying the last minute deal on online and go from then.Last minute deal mean no selection or limited and I don't like to be in the situation "no choice".If we plan our vacation we plan at least 5 months and if it is outside USA we plan 1 year prior our vacation date .
Keep an eye open:
Keep an eye open for any cheap holidays/good deals saves you an extra bucks and you can do something especial during your vacation.Mostly, travel agency you can expect to get a great cheap holidays and less stress.
In my opinion, if you want to travel and get cheap holidays keep your eye open for any promotions and options, I remember "Don't count your chickens (before they're hatched)" hehhehe. Planning ahead of time is always important.If you want to travel don't be cheap, be frugal and find a cheap holidays,although travel is not cheap.
That's my first question every time my husband tells me we're going on holiday. I'm frugal but not stingy,if we have a chance to travel and go out in our comfort zone and get cheap holidays we're happy to do it.Lately,we had been fortunate to get cheap holidays. More holidays is coming as we are approaching the end of the year. As of now, I'm looking a family vacation of 5 people on Thanksgiving holidays.
"Early Birds Catches the worm:"
Early birds catches the worm; I could relate this sayings to my booking experiences.When you know your going to go on holiday, early booking saves you an extra bucks and gives you peace of mind and it is a guarantee you'll going to go on HOLIDAY.Another reason for early booking is plenty of time to save money for extra excursions,restaurant or plenty of time to plan your holiday.
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Sunset at Pearl Farm Resort,Philippines |
Expect the unexpected, when you book a holiday, remember the last minute deal is either you're lucky or unlucky-what I mean you got a good deal or no deal and most of it are fully booked depend how busy it is. Last minute deal is good if you have another option,but if you set your vacation sometime turns out the worst vacation or headache. I, remember our last vacation turns out a nightmare since all of the resorts are fully booked and we had to drove an hour away from the ocean just to get a good accommodation.Playing by air is not a good idea if you have a baby.After, our experienced, we have been trying the last minute deal on online and go from then.Last minute deal mean no selection or limited and I don't like to be in the situation "no choice".If we plan our vacation we plan at least 5 months and if it is outside USA we plan 1 year prior our vacation date .
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Arches National Park,Utah |
Keep an eye open for any cheap holidays/good deals saves you an extra bucks and you can do something especial during your vacation.Mostly, travel agency you can expect to get a great cheap holidays and less stress.
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Stonehenge,Europe |
Disney Dream Cruse: All Aboard Day 4
Disney Dream Cruse: All Aboard Day 4:
Were ready to go home.On our 4th day of Disney Dream Cruise we stayed all day at the ship and lot of things to do for all ages. The ocean is calm and the panoramic view is awesome. All you could see is water and nothing else.Imagine yourself in the middle of nowhere but so relaxing, beautiful sunrise and sunset. What else you want?
Disney Princess Characters:
After our breakfast, we went to atrium lobby to saw the Disney Princess Characters where we have an opportunity for autograph and photo shots.Well, my daughter changed her mind after 10 minutes in-line for Disney Princess Characters, sigh :( ,what else I could say but to understand her that she wants to do anything else than to wait.
Disney Movie Theater:
In Disney Dream Cruise they have their own movie theater inside the ships, since we never been in the movie theater with "Little Travelentz" before, we decided to brought her in the theater and seen "BRAVE"- what do you expect for a three year-old in movie theater,after 15 minutes we found ourselves in Deck 11 ate ice cream.
Disney's Oceaneer Club:
As a parent,we tried our best to expose my "Little travelentz" with new things and let it do in her own ways or decide whatever she wants, so at this time we put her in at Disney's Oceaneer Club where she could play with other kids and enjoyed being a kid. They have a nice program so were not worried while I and hubby had a great time in the adult pool and aqua duck.
Walt Disney's Entertainment:
In the evening we saw the "I Believe" live musical show, after the show we went down to shopped and bought some souvenirs. My daughter bought the Disney Princess Characters and waited for our dinner in Enchanted Garden.
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Hubby and I had blast at Aqua duck |
After our dinner we headed back to our room to packed all our things, since we have to put all our bags outside the room before 10:30 p.m.. I could not believed my vacation dream come true as you know "Cruise Vacation is my ultimate dreams in life" so thankful to husband who gave and fulfilled my dream vacation. Today, I'll be honest I don't have any vacation dreams-I am happy to travel and see some places and I don't mind anymore wherever our feet just go ;)
I know next year will be a different story and our travel vacation will be limited since "Little Travelentz" will be going to school.
Disney Dream Cruise: All Aboard Day 3
Disney Dream Cruise: All Aboard Day 3, is sunny which have made our day at the Disney’s Castaway Cay-private island of Disney cruise ships. We spent time at sea until we were tired and headed back to our ship.
Then, we went to the kiddie pool at Deck 11, after an hour in the pool we felt we needed rest and "Little Travelentz'' needs her nap as well,since we have a "Pirate night".
The day goes by fast and we felt so tired on our third day and we decided not to watched the Live Musical on the third night,instead we slept in our bedroom and waited our dinner which is at 8:30 p.m.. Other than that we have a great day at Disney Castaway Cay.
Since, the theme is "Pirate" everyone dressed up pirate and had a photo shot opportunity with Jack Sparrow.
Since, the theme is "Pirate"we dressed up our pirate attire and had a chance to photoshoot with Jack Sparrow,but "Little Travelentz" scared we decided to attend the Mickey's Pirate in The Carribbean party at Deck 11.
During our dinner everyone is invited to dressed up a pirate attire or have a pirate bandanas (but not required) and we dine in at Enchanted Garden.
After,the dinner we went to Deck 11 for party and enjoyed the night and buffet is served around 11 p.m.At 10:15 p.m. the party started and blast some fireworks.
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Blog Archive
- Happy Halloween: Photo of the Day
- The Importance of Outdoor Gear and Clothing
- Golf holidays
- McCreary's Irish Pub & Eatery in Franklin,Tn
- Family Vacations in Canada
- Where to exchange foreign currency?
- Photo of the Day:Northern Treeshrew
- Cruise Vacation
- Glimpse of Kentucky Caverns
- Photo of the Day:Ghost Cake
- Photo of the Day:Snow White
- Liebster Blog
- Photo of the Day:Life is like a candle
- Photo of the day:Starts a new beginning
- Photo of the Day:Red-tailed green rat snake
- Photo of the day: Does it looks like a cat?
- Latino Family Festival at Nashville Zoo
- Photo of the Day:Simple things in Life
- Abuelo's Mexican Food Embassy in Michigan
- How to get cheap holidays?
- Disney Dream Cruse: All Aboard Day 4
- Disney Dream Cruise: All Aboard Day 3
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