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Museum of Science and Industry with kids-Fun for Family

We went to Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry with kids and its fun for the whole family. There are a lot things to do and see. Exhibits are impressive. We bought a City Pass to save more time and its a good deal. We arrived around 1:00 pm and went out 5:30 where the museums of science and industry closed. The museum is huge and loved the hands on exhibits in science storms.  Only we don't like is the parking fee that cost 20 bucks just to visit the museum not including your ticket to get inside.

Museum of Science and Industry Exhibits that Travelentz went:
  • All Aboard the Silver Streak: Pioneer Zephyr:Little travelentz love the train.But we are running out of time and the exhibits was about to closed and good thing we let us  saw before he  closed the exhibits.
  • The Idea Factory-Little travelents had a blast and doesn't to go out in the exhibits. They had so much to do inside the Idea Factory exhibits.

  • Omnimax theather-We chose to watch "Born to be wild" and end up not to finish the movie little travelentz was antcy inside the theater. 
  • Earth Revealed- up-close and near “real-time” view of our planet Earth in the new Museum of Science and Industry.
  • Farm Tech-This exhibits is very details to me and I amazed how creative they are.The "highlights of the exhibit will challenge you to out-milk members of your group using new robotic milking technology; learn how farmers turn poop into power; steer a tractor and combine". We love this exhibits.

  • Henry Crown Space Center-It reminds me the Space Center in Alabama that we visited.
  • Petroleum Planet-This is cool and Little Travelentz scared.I guess she's still to young for this exhibits.hehhehe." Petroleum Planet is an innovative and interactive look at this humble liquid and its impact."
  • Science Storms- This is one of our favourite exhibits. This is impressive exhibits about even natural phenomena—lightning, fire, tornados, avalanches, tsunamis, sunlight and atoms in motion. 

  •  Ships Through the Ages- "collection of authentic ship models ranging from reproductions of the first sea craft that dared to sail the ocean nearly 5,000 years ago to luxury liners of the mid-1900s."
  • The Great Train Story-This is one of Little travelentz favourite.Its about  model railroad allows you to witness more than 30 trains running on 1,400 feet of track, completing the winding journey between Chicago and Seattle. 
  • ToyMaker 3000: An Adventure in Automation-I guess this is not my type. But my hubby told me is really educational exhibit that will take you through the entire manufacturing process of creating a toy. 
  • Transportation Gallery-"Explore all the most fascinating aspects of how humankind has flown, soared, chugged and sped throughout the years".They have a rides about the Simulators Ride - We don't do even we have a ticket there still a line and we don't have much more time left.
  • U-505 Submarine- you have to pay to go onboard and experience the  inside the real U-505—the only German submarine in the United States.The submarine is very cool outside. This reminds us one of  our tour USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park.

  • YOU!The Experience-"More than just a body, you are a complex blend of your choices, your personality, and your environment. Who you are depends on how you care for yourself and enjoy your life." Make you think that you need to eat healthy food.
Above all the Museum of Science and Industry is huge and impressive and one of the things that you should visit in Chicago.You will be educate and gives you an idea about the past and the presents.During our visits a lot of students are there for their field trips so expect crowds.

Location: S Lake Shore Dr & E 57th Cutoff St, Chicago, IL 60637, USA

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  1. Naks, you're exposing little travelentz on educational trip/exhibit, that's good. :) btw, happy father's day to your dear hubby!!

  2. Yes, Mhie, I will wait for the pictures. Happy Father's day to your hubby and a have a good time:)

  3. Wow that's one filled day, waiting for the photos Mhie ;)
