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Museum of Science and Industry with kids-Fun for Family

We went to Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry with kids and its fun for the whole family. There are a lot things to do and see. Exhibits are impressive. We bought a City Pass to save more time and its a good deal. We arrived around 1:00 pm and went out 5:30 where the museums of science and...
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Our 3 Days Trip: Top things to do in Chicago with kids: Fun for the whole family

Took from the Skydeck Chicago As I  told you in my previous post, we went in Chicago for 3 days, first to renew my passport, second to get my marriage registered in Philippines and third to see what is Chicago looks like. I've heard Chicago has lot things to do with Kids and fun for the whole...
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Park Grill with kids @ Chicago

Outdoor bar of Park Grill We went to Chicago last week, that's why I don't have time to update my blog.This time is not a vacation plan but needs to renew my Philippine passports. Good thing I was married where it is Chicago Jurisdiction so its easy to drive going in Philippine Embassy. After...
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