
Family day at Diamond Caverns,KY

It was rainy during our tour in Diamond Caverns Family day at Diamond caverns is another exciting day for us. This time we spent our weekend at the Diamond Caverns,KY. The tour is about an hour  with guided tour. Actually, we love caverns, can you imagine the natural beauty of stalactite...
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Family went to American Cave museums

Could you believe that the water will filled this cave if they have heavy rain that would last for many days. Family went to American Cave museums for a day,we saw the advertisement on the road and we are curious about it.Hubby asked,are you  interested to checked the area?  I said yes. Bad...
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First stop Newport,Kentucky

 Our first stop in Newport, to see the Aquarium,was not a good time.Our first stop was last October 2011 and we had no luck,15 minutes the Newport Aquarium would closed,we don't purchased the ticket yet. The place has some to offer if you don't have a chance to see the aquarium. We walked...
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Cats make us happy

Imagine yourself having 5 cats, well I have 2 cats sometimes  I babysit my parents in-law 3 cats when they're on vacation. Our  cats,can't get along  with my in-laws 3 cats except if they're sleeping and eating,other than that they're always fighting.This is their favourite room...
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Fact about Orange hawkweed flowers

It took me a while to identify this flowers, till I remember my in-laws told me.I took this photo in our cottage during summer. Do you know,the Orange hawkweed flowers is also called  Devil's-paintbrush, King-devil, bouquet rouge. This kind of flowers have seen anywhere like in the roadside,...
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Things to do in Gaylord Opryland Resort at Nashville during holiday season

one of the restaurant of Gaylord Opryland This is our second time that we visited the Opryland Resort.We usually went during the ice show.After the ice show we enjoyed the place. Things to do in Gaylord Opryland Resort at Nashville during holiday season: 1. Ice show-this is  the reason...
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Happy New Year to All of us

Happy New Year to all of us. 2012 is another year to look forward and I am excited this year, I dunno why, I just feel the excitement. My 2011 is been great, I travelled so many places as usual, did the road trip, vacation with my family here in State and of course the  down moment in my life.I...
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